Monday 27 August 2012

To Infinity and Beyond-Rocketman Armstrong passes on

One of Americas the World's great heroes has been lost; Neil Armstrong, the first man to ever set foot on the Moon has passed away at the age of 82 after complications from heart surgery to unblock his arteries.

Famous for the infamous saying 'So that's one small step for giant leap for mankind', Armstrong was like Christopher Columbus: they found somewhere they wanted to go (the Moon for Armstrong and India for Columbus) and got there in a unique way (Armstrong via space ship and Columbus by sailing West as opposed to East); the difference between the two is that only Europe,Africa and Asia were on the map at the time and the Earth was considered flat; instead of reaching India by going West, Columbus found North and South America and the native Americans (which were appropriately called Red Indians due to looking different to Indians from India).

Ideally Armstrong should be temporarily buried or cremated and then his remains sent to the Moon. In case that does not happen, give the Moon a wink next time you see it in memory of Neil.

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