Monday 12 March 2012

Afghanistan's Double Standards

Hindus and Sikhs join the Israelis in Qu'ran burning and the fight against extremism

Not all Jews are Israeli, (Israeli) Jews are not alone in hating (extremist) Muslims (see: Hindus,Sikhs,Zoroastrians and some Christians) but the following news is shocking and shows the underlying and grotesque misreading of Islam-even by 'normal' Muslims

U.S President Barack Obama has had to call Afghani President Hamid Karzai to apoligise after a U.S Soldier kills over 16 Afghanis and wounds over five. 

This seems fine but there are no apologies or even lack of condemnation from Afghanistan when over 40 (including 8 U.S soldiers and 9 British soldiers) people were killed when Qu'rans and other documents (WITH hate speech and potential terrorist plans) were burned in Parwan Detention Facility, a facility holding Taliban and (more importantly Al Qaeda) members.

These attacks are still going on and the Taliban has claimed responsibility for the attacks on the 9 British soldiers (suicide bombing via car) and 4 of the American casualties. The Taliban are now threatening retaliation for this lone gunman (who has reportedly handed himself in to the military police).

Apparently the USA owes Afghanistan an apology for this atrocity by one soldier yet Afghanistan is not apoligising for all of the soldiers killed for the burning of the Qu'ran (which was deemed to have had hate speech and secret code amongst the prisoners)-to the Taliban and those Afghanis who carried out the attack, a few pieces of paper copied from the (now non existant) Qu'ran and (most probably) printed by artifical means are more important than human lives.

Shame on the Afghanis for not condemning these Qu'ran burner killings. Although there were many killed over the last 10 years, it is certainly better than having the Taliban in charge.

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