Monday, 9 May 2011

"Why..."-a philosophical article

All members of Feet Up had lunch at a Chinese restaurant today; it was a very beautiful,authentic and reasonably priced restaurant in Southampton,England called Royal Wok. Anyway, it was the first Chinese restaurant we had been to that offers a separate menu for spicy dishes. As we looked through it, some 'shocking' dishes were found including:  duck's blood, diced frog, chicken feet, pig's ear and tongue. Funnily enough, in China, silworms and caterpillars are eaten freshly barbequed and/or stir fried. 

One at first may think 'ewww-why do they eat everything?!' but they must remember that China has over 1 billion people so they need to eat something as food is scarce for so many! Additionally, the Chinese Empire influenced all other oriental countries including: Singapore,Malaysia,Thailand,Vietnam,Cambodia,Laos and of course, Japan so these dietary habits were picked up. But it is not only in oriental countries that people eat 'disgusting' foods:- in Indonesia, Spiders are a delicassy, in some parts of India they make chutney from ants,  in jungle areas (see Australian continent) the witchetty grub is an example of a bug that it eaten regularly.Countries suffering from poor vegetation need to find something to eat and find a protein fix. 

Anyway, we may think that eating insects is disgusting but see this: the food colouring cochineal (also known as carmine,carminic acid or E120) is made from beetles that are baked and crushed, cochineal is found in many a foods that are coloured red (see Smarties as an example). Not to mention Shellac is similar, used as a glaze for many foods (see M & Ms),it is found as the resin that small insects produce but many times the insects themselves are also harvested (300,000 lac insects are killed for every kilogram 2.2 lbs. of lac resin produced and approximately 25% of all unrefined, harvested lac resin is composed of “insect debris”);funnily enough it is considered vegetarian at times since the person does not intend to/eat 'enough' insect bits for it to be deemed unvegetarian(a very small percentage of ALL food has insect parts when harvested/cooked-it is part of the manufacturing process and natural so don't worry since you can NEVER get 0.0% insects).

Now to the "Why..." part of the article, the first few statements refer to the bewildering foods eaten by people:

Why do people hesitate drinking blood of animals even though black pudding (British sausage made with animal blood) and meat have blood in it (again, even Halal or Kosher meat is not 100% blood free)?

Why do people frown upon eating offal meat-especially from other cultures? As well as the examples of the oriental offal, in Muslim countries (see Pakistan and Arabia) they eat the tongue;ball of feet;marrow and brains of red meat in a curry (Nihari) and spiced lamb trotters (Paya) yet Western nations think it is vile EVEN THOUGH gelatine (found in many childrens' sweets including Haribo) is made by boiling animal bones, and sausages are made by shoulder;neck and belly meat wrapped in pig intestines! In fact, within the West, people who eat sausages and gelatine hate the idea of paté or haggis! Meat is meat, if it tastes good, eat it! Which brings us to the next point

Why do people protest against laboratory testing on animals when they eat meat? Surely it is more important that animals are used to test medicines that can one day enhance and save a human's life?! Meat is not an essential part of the diet so that is no excuse to eat it but at the same time complain that animals are used for useful purposes!

Why do people hate the idea of eating insects YET eat seafood such as: prawns, shrimps, crabs, lobsters, crayfish and various other crustaceans/exoskeleton creatures?! These are the insects of the sea and have many many legs and are just as dangerous (if that is the reason one is afraid of insects). Plus the idea of 'the sea cleaning them' is ridiculous-the animals do EVERYTHING in the water that surrounds and touches them (think what EVERYTHING means ;-) )

Why...(NOT food)

Why is prostitution illegal yet pornography deemed legal? Pornography minus camera is prostitution. In 1988, studies have shown 86% of rapists use pornography and over half of that 86% imitated porn scenes.87% of girl molesters and 77% of boy molesters regularly used hard core porn.57% of college students admitted to wishing to try out rape if they could get away with it after watching 10 hours of rape porn. To top it all off most porn 'stars' have had STDs, abortions, and miscarriages and, hundreds if not thousands have died through drug abuse and overdose, and suicide. One could say the exploitation and abuse would end if money was invested in it and prostitution also made legal but why would you spend your hard-earned tax money on something that will ALWAYS lead to serial killers,rapists and molesters?

Why is polygamy deemed 'bad' in the Western world if it is natural by animal standards? If all the members of the relationship are treated equally and loved (not treated as objects), then there should be no reason it be illegal. In fact, it is more likely to end the taboo (and wrong) idea of 'swinging' because there will be LOVE amongst members and a selection of members to love (NOT the meaningless sex found in swinging-heck, even polygamist Hugh Hefner had several girlfriends who he loved and stayed committed to).

Why is nudity seen as indescent? Nudity is natural, animals do not wear clothing from other animals; they have their own e.g feathers and fur! In fact, the only reason for clothes is to keep one warm IN WINTER. In summer, nudity is the best way to keep cool!

Why are certain drugs made illegal and prohibited (note: in the UK, tobacco can not be advertised and even displaying it will be soon illegal) while alcohol is promoted? Alcohol has many ill-effects and causes health problems and like drugs, can be controlled by the user if taken in moderation. Should not alcohol also have something to control its abuse?

Why are 'good' and 'evil' seen as different points of view? Reviewing Bin Laden's attacks on the West and (more apparent) Hitler's genocide of the Jews;Slavs;Poles;Serbs;Gays;Gypsises;Disabled People;Jehovah's Witnesses;Freemasons and other random groups, if one attacks innocent citizens in a cowardly terror attack, the killing of people is automatically evil! Killing someone is the worst thing one can do but can be justified if in extreme self defence e.g. on the battlefield BUT killing human beings who have done nothing to you/who are noncombatants is truly evil.

Why do people look down on religion? Many religions have changed over time by what a GROUP of people agree on but there are two core ideas: SOMETHING (even if it is the Higgs Boson particle) made the first atom;even if there was NOTHING (imagine a screen of white), WHAT is nothing (how do you describe it/how it was/ using the white screen example, and what is 'no colour')? Secondly, there is an idea that something defining you exists before you are born and after you die,there is no matter or substance called 'life' that can be artificially created; like energy, it can not be created nor destroyed. Religion is not the be-all-end-all to answer question YET science just can't prove some things.

Why do religions fight each other so much? Is it not in a human being's nature to love and share? Would fighting and killing change the other's religious beliefs GENUINELY? OF COURSE NOT! God should be happy we believe in him and he should understand people get confused! The best bet is to play it safe like the legendary Han Solo,

"I've never seen anything to make me believe there's one all-powerful force controlling everything. There's no mystical energy field controls my destiny."

Why is democracy and a free society seen of as 'good'? Without laws and enforcement of the laws, freedom of speech leads to hurtful accusations and crime in the form of violence,theft,prostitution,piracy and ignorance towards people. As stated before, pornography is one of the obvious entities that is a smokescreen shrouding corruption from the bottom upwards! Countries with strict laws and punishments may seem harsh but the punishment and death of thousands of criminals and rebels sends out a message of ''behave!'' and is surely better than millions dead from crime!

Why do we praise men who sleep with dozens of women but look down on women who have slept with many men? This one is hard to answer-surely we should praise the woman for being so attractive (a woman's strong point) that men are infatuated with her; the only way we can praise the man is if he's so awesome that women LOOK FOR HIM. Is that the case and if so, how can you tell what aspect the women are attracted to and (if he is truly "awesome") whether the man is really attracted to the various women as much as they want him?

Why do feminists exist hate the fact that men like to look at beautiful women with varying degrees of clothes on? Women care far more about their appearance than men do so it is a compliment that women are noticed for their looks; it will lead them on to greater things/ even if they do not model, a pretty woman is more likely to be successful in business than an ugly woman with the same qualifications and experience.

Why do masculinists not exist? Perhaps todays masculinists are anti metrosexual and homophobes because they think male modelling and caring about physique is gay?

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