Happy Intergalactic STAR WARS day!!!!
It has been 34 years since the creation of the marvel that was Star Wars. In that time, it has made: over $22 BILLION DOLLARS, 6 Blockbusters,over 100 books; comics and graphic novels, over 100 video games,action figures;toys; and board games, and movie memorabilia to name a few!
There are dozens of reasons that Star Wars is innovative and one of the greatest franchises of all time. Here are a few:
It's better than STAR TREK
Ok, it's true that Star Wars was influenced by Star Trek but the following reasons show it has become far greater Jedi franchise that Trek could ever hope to be:
1. The characters:
Star Trek has less than 10 great characters: Kirk, Spock,Data,Worf,Picard,Riker,Sisko, Bashir and Quark.
The FIRST Star Wars Trilogy already had: Luke Skywalker,Obi Wan Kenobi, Princess Leia,Han Solo, Chewbacca,R2 D2, C3PO, Lando Calrissian,Yoda, Jabba the Hutt, Boba Fett, Darth Vader AND Emperor Palpatine! Then there are other characters from the original trilogy such as: Padmé, Qui Gon Jinn, Darth Maul, Count Dooku, The Jedi Council, and deserving a separate point:
The FIRST Star Wars Trilogy already had: Luke Skywalker,Obi Wan Kenobi, Princess Leia,Han Solo, Chewbacca,R2 D2, C3PO, Lando Calrissian,Yoda, Jabba the Hutt, Boba Fett, Darth Vader AND Emperor Palpatine! Then there are other characters from the original trilogy such as: Padmé, Qui Gon Jinn, Darth Maul, Count Dooku, The Jedi Council, and deserving a separate point:
2. Mace Windu:
Star Trek does not have many characters with unique features and a back storycompared to Star Wars. However, Samuel L Jackson and Mace Windu alone is a reason that the PREQUELS are far better than the entire Star Trek film and TV series. Why? The following pictures show you:
3. The movies
Star Wars has 6 live-action movies plus a CGI film; Star Trek has 11. Star Trek has won 31 emmys and an Oscar for 'Best Makeup',Star Wars has won 10 of 25 Oscar nominations as well as other awards. Star Trek's entire franchise has made approximatley $5 billion dollars; the Star Wars films alone, have made $4.5 billion. Add $10 billion + made from videogames, toys and memoribilia and you can say that Star Wars pretty much owns it in terms of success.
4. Toys and Games
Battlefront, Rogue Squadron, Battle for Naboo, Force Unleashed, Racer
Action figures,lego,masks, costumes, lightsabres.
Enough said.
5. Geekiness vs Awesomeness
Star Trek: Too many episodes over one hour long, "Star Date 123456", "He's hailing us commander" and " Set phasers on stun"-a soap opera that geeks HAVE TO watch to fully comprehend.
Star Wars: 6 films-all you need; if you wish to explore the story further there are video games,books and comics bridging the films. Short and sweet.
To add to the awesomeness, Star Wars has: LIGHTSABRES THAT CAN CUT THROUGH ANYTHING, "Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper?";"Great kid, don't get cocky!" "Apology accepted Captain Needa";"This party's over" and "Are you threatening me Master Jedi?"
and of course:
To add to the awesomeness, Star Wars has: LIGHTSABRES THAT CAN CUT THROUGH ANYTHING, "Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper?";"Great kid, don't get cocky!" "Apology accepted Captain Needa";"This party's over" and "Are you threatening me Master Jedi?"
and of course:
Star Wars retells the great stories and myths of old (and the prequels DO make sense!)
The Phantom Menace
Jedi= Shaolin Monks,Knights Templar/ Ji Dai (Samurai)
The Force= Chi or Karma with Yin and Yang (Light and Darkness)
Qui Gon= Qigong (life)
Obi Wan and Qui Gon= The ideal Jedi/Padawan partnership
Qui Gon/Yoda/Obi Wan= Merlin/Gandalf- the great sages and mentors who lead our heroes
Naboo= Nabu (Mother Earth)
Queen Amidala= Mother Earth/ Mother of PRINCESS Leia
Anakin/Luke= Genghis Khan/Spartacus/Moses/Jesus- slaves born to do great things. The chosen ones
Pod Racing= Chariot Racing
Darth Maul= Literally the devil's incarnate (red skin and horns), almost as evil as Vader
Lightsabre= Enchanted sword like Excalibur or Zeus' Thunderbolt
Attack of the Clones
Anakin and Padmé= Romeo and Juliet, forbidden love
Battle of Geonosis= The Gladiators (Obi Wan, Anakin and Padmé) fighting beats (Reek,Acklay and Nexu)
Count Dooku= Like Vader, a powerful Jedi turned to the Dark Side by lust for power
Revenge of the Sith
Asajj Ventress (in between Episodes II and III)= a powerful force user who becomes a Jedi and turns to the Dark Side like Vader.
General Grevious= Like Vader, a biological being dependant on a machine to live; his mask becomes his new face.
The fall of Anakin and the rise of Vader= The Serpent Devil (Palpatine) offering a forbidden apple (the dark side) to Eve (Anakin). The fall of Lucifer and the rise of Satan.
Battle of Kashyyk= Like the battle in Saving Private Ryan
Order 66= The killing of rivals like in Godfather
Palpatine/Sidious= On both sides, creates a fake war to spread his enemies thin and eventually create power like Caesar,Napoleon,Hitler,Mao and Saddam
Stormtroopers= The SA of Nazi Germany, terrorising and pillaging to their leader's orders
The Empire= Red/White and Black, like the Nazi flag
Darth Vader= A fallen angel. A helmet like those the Nazis wore and a face like a Samurai. Based on Sauron,Dr Doom and Lightning from Fighting Devil Dogs (Lightning also had white suited troopers and a imperial ship).Darth Vader is Dark Father in Latin.
A New Hope
Han Solo= Rebel and loner who ladies love. Homage to gun-toting cowboys,Robin Hood and James Kirk.
Han and Luke infiltrating the Death Star to save Leia= Flash Gordon and Prince Barin infiltrating the fortress to save Princess Aura
Princess Leia= Damsel in distress who is actually a heroine and strong woman
Luke and Leia= Artemis and Apollo; twins sent to save the world.
R2 D2 and C3PO= Comic relief but heroes nonetheless (see Merry and Pippin from Lord of the Rings)
Obi Wan,Han,Chewie,Leia,Luke,Lando, R2 and 3PO= The Fellowship of the Ring or Dorothy and friends (Wizard of Oz)
The Death Star battle=Likebattle in Dambusters
Empire Strikes Back
A ghost speaking to those left behind- like in Macbeth or Hamlet
Return of the Jedi
Jabba the Hutt= The Dragon holding the Princess hostage and guarding the treasure (frozen Han Solo). Reminds people of Hermann Goering of Nazi Germany.
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