Monday, 19 December 2011

Kim Jong Il dies- is 2011 the year evil's grip loosens?

North Korea's bats**t dictator Kim Jong Il has died aged 69
First reported outside of North Korea by the BBC, the cause of death was

"from a great mental and physical strain at 08:30 (2330 GMT Friday) Dec. 17, 2011, on train during a field guidance tour". He suffered "an advanced acute myocardial infarction, complicated with a serious heart shock" on the train. Kim had "received medical treatment for his cardiac and cerebrovascular diseases for a long period"

Successor to his father Kim il Sung, Kim Jong il  believed post- World War II Korea should be Communist and not under Chinese (pre War) or Japanese (World War) control; the Communist North Korea split from the democratic and capitalist South.
Both Kim's clamped down on Korea and called it the 'Democratic Peoples' Republic of Korea' but stories of life there suggest different:

*Media is state-owned and censored heavily
*Internet is unavailable and illegal
*Telephones are tapped
*Citizens are not allowed to travel freely; in particular, maps show no cars on the roads as only political elites may own or lease vehicles
*Citizens may not leave
*Heavy taxation and food mean people die of poverty
*Household (and most businesses) lights must be switched off at night
*Murder,robbery,rape,drug trafficking and embezzlement punishable by firing squad death
*Disabled newborns are killed and people with disabilities are rounded up and sent off to camps (the 'lucky' ones get to stay with their family but are persecuted)
*Forced prostitution in the form of Kippumjo - approximately 2000 girls (that start off as virgins) who are meant to dance,massage,have sex with, and marry government officials as it is believed by Kim il Sung that young women enhance male ki (lifeforce)
*All visitors to North Korea only allowed in designated areas with tour guide working for the government
*Permanent internment camp for political prisoners (anti government) as well as their parents,siblings,children and (in some cases) grandparents and grandchildren. Like Nazi concentration camps, detainees are meant to perform hard manual labour for a little bit of food. 150,000-200,000 of these exist
*Reeducation camps for those who can not be proven guilty for common or political crimes; starvation and water torture are used and the only incentive for getting out is learning Korean Communist ideology or speeches by the leaders. Like the internment camps, the cells are too small to stand up or lie down fully in

See more here:

As well as the above, North Korea has nuclear weapons and do not like: USA, South Korea or Japan; all supporters of Western Europe and developed Africa.

Kim said that he did want to see a reunified Korea and an official movement has taken place but due to government conflicts, this is unlikely ever going to happen (see: 

Kim has had a number of strokes in the past and was confirmed as a diabetes and epilepsy patient. It was also reported he was suffering from pancreatic cancer.

Kim's youngest son Kim Jong Un is set to be his successor and his funeral is on 28th December followed by a day of mourning on 29th. South Korea has been put on alert for any attacks.

Osama bin Laden, Al-Awlaki,Colonel Gaddafi and now Kim Jong il. Is the world going to be saved in by December 21st 2012?

Ahmadinejad, Mugabe, Al-Zahwahiri


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