Friday, 26 August 2011

As peace enters one part of Africa, turmoil hits another

As Libya's liberation looms, a car bomb hits the UN Embassy in Abuja, Nigeria

As the rebels of Libya secure the capital,Tripoli (one of the few areas left with resistance) and begin to storm Gadaffi's compounds, further South-West of the continent, 3 people are killed and 60 injured as a car bomb hits the UN Embassy in Abuja,Nigeria.

The Islamist group of Nigeria, Boko Haram is the one responsible for this. The reason for this attack was because the group wants the whole of Nigeria under Sharia Law.
As of the 2009 census, 50.4% of Nigeria is Muslim  (60 million Sunnis and 5-10 million Shia) while 48.2% is Christian (15% Protestant,13.7% Catholic and 19.6% other). The North of Nigeria is Muslim and the South (particularly the South East) and Niger Delta region are Christian; in the Centre (including the Federal Capital territory),West and South West, it is a mixture of both religions. Some of the Northern states are under Sharia law.
The reason for these attacks may have been fuelled by the revolutions in the Middle East; whereas Western countries such as the United States of America, United Kingdom and European Union support this as they want a democracy and (thus) easier-to-influence oil trading partner, other Arabic countries (Saudi Arabia,Qatar and UAE) support the revolutions (in particular Libya) as they themsevles want an oil trading partner but (more importantly) retaining and strengthening Islamic laws.With regards to the latter supporting the Libyan revolution, Osama bin Laden released a video (recorded before his death) praising the uprisings and wanting stricter Sharia states. Like with Somalia's Al-Shabab and the civil war in the (previously unified) Sudan, the Boku Haram could be like the Taliban; influenced and backed by Al-Qaeda and, unlike the other Islamic nations wanting change, they believe in the use of force (thus tarnishing the name of Islam).

This report has been written under 12 hours after the blast and is posted before the uneducated public post anti-American comments like "America will help because they want the oil"  or "the Jews are funding this"
The West may help but, as written above, other Muslim countries will also be against these terrorists (most likely only vocally) and at the end of the day, nations will help other nations if there is something in it for them; the other Arab countries will support the uprisings just like in Libya because they themselves can also get easier access to oil.

Never judge someone else if you do the same-it makes you a hypocrite.

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