The sequel to action-mega-hit The Expendables is full of so much action that one of the stuntmen has been killed while another is in a stable condition in intensive care!
The new Expendables movie has so far confirmed: Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Terry Crews, Dolph Lundgren, Jet Li, Randy Couture,Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger and 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin (basically all of the named Expendables from the first installment except Mickey Rourke; Gary Daniels, Antonio Noguiera and Charisma Carpenter will not be returning).
Yu Nan,Scott Adkins, Liam Hemsworth, Jean Claude Van Damme and Chuck Norris (the latter two will make it, [and their film careers] extra awesome!!!) will be in the new film while Bolo Yeung, Hulk Hogan, Michael Biehn, Donnie Yen, Charlie Sheen (winner!) ,John Travolta and Nicholas Cage (unofficial Face/Off sequel?) are in talks to appear.
The film will be released in 2012; if you can't wait, here are two awesome videos to watch while you wait.
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Monday, 31 October 2011
Slumdog Millionaire Story Comes True!
The Slumdog Millionaire Story came true as 27 year old Sushil Kumar wins the grand prize of ₹50 million rupees ($1 million USD or £650 thousand GBP) on Kaun Banega Crorepati, India's version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
Apart from the fact that this happened to someone from Bihar (a poor state in India), this is seen as a real life version of the event as Psychology Postgrad Sushil works as a computer operator for less than $120 or £90 a month- that's under $1500 or £1100 a year! The national average in India three years ago was $3000 or £2000! Add to the fact that his father works as a contractor clerk, the family could not afford a TV of their own, Sushil is married, and he has to support two of his five younger brothers who are studying; it's safe to say this was a miracle.
Series one started in 2000-2001 with ₹10 million rupees prize money with Superstar Amitabh Bachchan as the host. It restarted after a four-year hiatus in 2005 to 2006 with the prize money doubling to ₹20 million ruprees. Bachchan suddenly fell ill in 2006 and the second season ended abruptly but series three was hosted by the next-best-celebrity in India, Sharukh Khan. After season three did not do so well due to India comparing Khan to the benchmark of Bachchan, it was in limbo from 2007 to 2010. Bachchan came back in 2010 and although the prize money was educed to ₹10 million rupees , contestants could gamble it all for ₹50 million rupees with the jackpot question.
Before winning the top prize, Kumar phoned his teacher and when he could not get an an answer, he said he would still win it for everyone. After winning it he stated he was worried his father would die of happiness!
Kumar wants to spend some of the money on his own education; the rest will be divided amongst paying off the mortgage on his ancestral home, clearing the debts of his family,educating his younger brothers, and setting up a new home and businesses for his family while also building a school for the poor in India
Congratulations yarr!
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Hamid Karzai has Fingers in every Pie!!
Less than a month after signing a pact with India that promised India training Afghan soldiers and increased trade on the $2 billion given from India since 2001, Afgan premier Hamid Karzai said,
“If there is war between Pakistan and America, we will stand by Pakistan”
this echoes what he said in 2010,
"if I come under foreign pressure, I might join the Taliban"
Ok,so he openly signs a pact with India and at the same time says Afghanistan will side with Pakistan even though:
A. Pakistan has, and exported, the Taliban; a group of fundamentalists who go out of there way to ensure: -women are kept as housewives without an education
-women have to be covered up to their eyes if not over their eyes
-young girls are married off to old men as one of their many wives
-men have to grow full-on beards
-movies,music and media from the West is banned
-homosexuals and non-Muslims are punished and given less importance than Muslims
-Muslims who convert to another religion are punished by death
B. The USA spearheaded the attack on the Taliban, who at the time, joined forces with Osama bin Laden and were responsible for the death of over 3500 people from the:
-USA World Trade Centre attacks (1993 and 9/11)
-Pentagon attack on 9/11
-USA Embassy Bombings in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998
-attacks on US soldiers in Egypt,Somalia,Sudan,Nigeria and Yemen
AND the oppression in Afghanistan (see A.) when they were in control
C. The Taliban was in complete control and had it not been for the USA, Karzai would never have gotten the opportunity to be put into power
D. Pakistan claims Kashmir even though it is Indian land
E. Pakistan has more than one bomb blast a week
F. Pakistan conveniently could not find Osama bin Laden even though Abbottabad is well populated AND is near a military base
One day later he says what he said was taken out of context,
"Pakistani media has misinterpreted it," said the president's deputy spokesman Seyamak Herawi.
"They only showed the first part when the president says Afghanistan will back Pakistan if there is a war."
Karazi's office said that the reference was to Afghanistan's willingness to house refugees from Pakistan in case of any conflict, in the way that millions of Afghans are given refuge across the border in Pakistan's northwestern frontier region.
"But in connection with the war on terrorism if there is a war on Pakistan, Afghanistan will not support that,"
Something quite fishy about this. As long as Al Qaeda leaders are hunted down and Afghanistan becomes a stable country in comparison to its 'brother' Pakistan, the West and India (true friends as India got over the Raj years and the West got over India's support of the USSR) should not have to worry. Even if a war breaks out, Afghanistan says they are on nobody's side except the civilians. What is frustrating however, is the fact that China is helping out Pakistan due to Chairman Mao's infatuation with domination of the World,India in particular. India and China's relationships have flourished, as have China and long-time rival Japan and even stronger (and more importantly), India and Japan. China, as a Communist country, should have no reason to side with a country run by religion and classes (completely the opposite of Communism); in fact, India and China have a LOT more in common: Buddhism,bad driving, family values, the preference of sons,beggars on the streets,markets and people who seem to be rude but are quite good once you get to know them!
Don't support the terrorist Pakistan!
The King of Fashion Buried in Unclassy Style!
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At his peak |
Plastic surgery begins while power wanes |
Libyan Dictator and snazzy dresser, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, was found hiding in a sewer in Sirte,captured and executed by the people of Libya. He has been buried at an undisclosed location alongside his son.
Crimes against Libyans
During the Arab springs of February 2011, Gaddafi openly admitted how he will always run Libya the way he wanted to and said that people who don't "love" him "do not deserve to live" and referred to the protesters as "cockroaches" and "rats", and vowed not to step down and to cleanse Libya house by house until the insurrection was crushed.
He retaliated to demonstrations firsty by water cannon but then began to use even more violent methods such as machine guns,artillery and missiles. As well as this, injured protestors were disallowed entries to the hospital or were euthanised via IV drip,blood or oxygen mask removal. 600–700 protesters were killed in Green Square in Tripoli on 20 February. Gaddafi's madness continued with the execution of unwilling soldiers (going to over 100) and (from both Gadaffi AND the rebels) genocides of the Blacks in Libya.
Gaddafi repressed his people heavily when it came to politics;talking about politics is illegal,there is a death penalty for forming a political party, executions and mutilations of dissidents in public, agents sent abroad to kill opposition politicians, people recruited to spy on their neighbours, and there is heavier censorship in Libya than in any other North African or Middle Eastern country. The only democracy in Libya is for local government council, all which are under Gaddafi anyway.
Funds from Libya's oil went to Gaddafi's bank accounts, foreign terrorist organizations, and fund the Gaddafi family's lavish lifestyle.
Libya had a 20.7% unemployment rate and 1/3 of Libyans living below the national poverty line.
Libyans only receive a decent education in math and science: history and politics are barely taught in an attempt to hide democracy and freedom in the West. Students are forced to learn Gaddafi's political ideology and read from his "Green Book". To be accepted into a University, Libyans must go before the Revolutionary Committees to prove their loyalty to Gaddafi.
A poor healthcare system forces Libyans to go abroad for decent medical treatment. Eastern Libya is largely ignored, with almost no new housing or infrastructure projects. As well as a dire economic situation in Eastern Libya, there is only one very old sewage facility in Benghazi, and untreated sewage has caused environmental problems.
Funds from Libya's oil went to Gaddafi's bank accounts, foreign terrorist organizations, and fund the Gaddafi family's lavish lifestyle.
Libya had a 20.7% unemployment rate and 1/3 of Libyans living below the national poverty line.
Libyans only receive a decent education in math and science: history and politics are barely taught in an attempt to hide democracy and freedom in the West. Students are forced to learn Gaddafi's political ideology and read from his "Green Book". To be accepted into a University, Libyans must go before the Revolutionary Committees to prove their loyalty to Gaddafi.
A poor healthcare system forces Libyans to go abroad for decent medical treatment. Eastern Libya is largely ignored, with almost no new housing or infrastructure projects. As well as a dire economic situation in Eastern Libya, there is only one very old sewage facility in Benghazi, and untreated sewage has caused environmental problems.
The Libyan Civil War
For $1000 to $3000 dollars a day and an upfront payment of as much as $10,000; Gaddafi hired OVER 5000 mercenaries from: Ghana,Niger,Nigeria,Mali,Chad,Kenya,Uganda,Belarusians,Serbians and Slavs to add to his army (he did not trust a permanent home-grown army for he thought they may turn on him like many of them did in the past).
After seeing how Tunisia and Egypt sparked a revolution due to government corrpution,a weak economy and higher taxation and living costs; alongside protests in: Algeria,Lebanon,Jordan,Mauritiana,Sudan,Saudi Arabia,Yemen,Iraq,Bahrain,Kuwait,Morroco,Syria AND Israel (where OVER 6000 have died EXCLUDING Libya), the people of Libya decided that they had enough of the class divide.
The war in Libya had 17,000 defecting soldiers, protestors and backing from USA,UK,France,NATO as well as: Canada,Spain,Greece,Italy,Denmark,Belgium,Bulgaria,Sweden,Netherlands,Turkey,Norway,Romania AND Albania and surprisingly FELLOW ARAB-MUSLIM countries of Jordan,Qatar and the UAE fighting Gaddafi's 20-40,000 soliders and militia. The war has killed over 1000 civilians and wounded over 4500. The total death count (both sides and civilians) stands at a staggering 25-30,000 dead and over 4000 missing!
Crimes Outside of Libya
Gaddafi supported 'The Last King of Scotland' Idi Amin, a maniacal dictator in Uganda who was known for being a cannibal and throwing so many corpses of opposition in the river that even the crocodiles and alligators were to full to eat them. Amin killed thousands and expelled all immagrints from Uganda; Gadaffi sent Libyan soldiers to (unsuccessfully) stop the Tanzanians from liberating Uganda; 600 of them died. He even married his daughter off to Amin.
Gaddafi made Libya fight Chad numerous times (1978, 1979, 1980–1981 and 1983–1987; Chadanian victory, 1000+ Chadanians killed, 7500+ Libyans killed and 1000 captured ),and once Egypt (1977;Egyptian victory, 1000+ Egyptians dead and wounded, 4000+ Libyans dead and wounded).
Gaddafi assisted Jean-Bédel Bokassa and Ange-Félix Patassé in Central Africa in return for 99-year lease from the latter to exploit all of that country's natural resources, including uranium, copper, diamonds, and oil.
On 11 June 1972, Gaddafi announced that any Arab wishing to volunteer for Palestinian terrorist groups "can register his name at any Libyan embassy and will be given adequate training for combat". He also promised financial support to them.
On 7 October 1972, Gaddafi praised the Lod Airport massacre , an attack on an Israeli airport by the communist Japanese Red Army (on behalf of Islamic extremists) that killed 26 and injured 79. He demanded Palestinian terrorist groups to carry out similar attacks.
Reportedly, Gaddafi was a major financier of the "Black September Movement" which perpetrated the Munich massacre, 5 Israeli athletes and 6 coaches killed by Palestinians at the 1972 Summer Olympics.
In 1976 after a series of terror activities by the Provisional IRA, Gaddafi announced that "the bombs which are convulsing Britain and breaking its spirit are the bombs of Libyan people. We have sent them to the Irish revolutionaries so that the British will pay the price for their past deeds". This was a reference to colonisation.
In April 1984, Libyan refugees in London protested against execution of two dissidents. MI5 interecepted communications that show that Tripoli ordered its diplomats to direct violence against the demonstrators. Libyan diplomats shot at 11 people and killed British policewoman Yvonne Fletcher. The incident led to the UK breaking of international relations for over 10 years.
In December 1985 the Rome and Vienna airport attacks killed 19 and wounded around 140, Gaddafi indicated that he would continue to support the Red Army Faction, the Red Brigades, and the Irish Republican Army as long as European countries support anti-Gaddafi Libyans.
In 1986, Libyan state television announced that Libya was training suicide squads to attack Americans and Europeans,
Gaddafi claimed the Gulf of Sidra as his territorial waters and his navy was involved in a conflict from January to March 1986.
On 5 April 1986, Libyan agents bombed "La Belle" nightclub in West Berlin, killing 3 people and injuring 229. Gaddafi's plan was intercepted by Western intelligence. Libyan agents who had carried out the operation from East Germany's Libyan embassy were prosecuted
Germany and the U.S. learned that the bombing in West Berlin had been ordered from Tripoli. On 14 April 1986, the U.S. carried out Operation El Dorado Canyon against Gaddafi's regime. Air defenses, army bases, and airfields in Tripoli and Benghazi were bombed. The surgical strikes failed to kill Gaddafi but he lost a few dozen military officers and he spread propaganda how it had killed his "adopted daughter" and the victims were all "civilians".
In the Philippines, Libya backed the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, which continues to terrorize and murder people in the name of establishing a separatist Islamic state in the southern Philippines.
Libya has also supported the New People's Army and Libyan agents were seen meeting with the Communist Party of the Philippines.
Gaddafi became a strong supporter of the Palestine Liberation Organization, which support ultimately harmed Libya's relations with Egypt, when in 1979 Egypt pursued a peace agreement with Israel.
As Libya's relations with Egypt worsened, Gaddafi sought to improve relations with the Soviet Union. Libya became the first country outside the Soviet bloc to receive the supersonic MiG-25 combat fighters.
In 1981 Gaddafi was found talking about assassinating American president Ronald Reagan. That same year Egypt's President Anwar Sadat was assassinated. Gaddafi applauded the murder and remarked that it was a punishment.
American President Ronald Reagan dubbed Gaddafi the "mad dog of the Middle East". In December 1981,US passports for travel to Libya were invalidated and in March 1982, the U.S. declared a ban on the import of Libyan oil.
Gaddafi reportedly spent hundreds of millions of the regime's money on training and arming Sandinistas in Nicaragua.Daniel Ortega, the President of Nicaragua, was his ally.
Gaddafi announced that he had won a military victory over the U.S. and the country was officially renamed the "Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriyah".
In 1988, Gaddafi financed and assisted the Lockerbie Bombings, an explosion on a flight set from London Heathrow to New York's JFK airport. 270 people died that day.
In 1989, a flight between Congo and Paris (stopping off in Chad) exploded and crashed in Niger. 170 people died that day and the 6 terrorists responsible were Libyans (one of them being Gaddafi's brother-in-law).
Islamist terrorist group Abu Sayyaf was,in 2002, paid a ransom reportedly worth tens of millions of dollars to release a number of kidnapped tourists. He presented it as an act of goodwill to Western countries even though the money helped the terrorist group to expand its operation.
That leads to a minimum total of 374 (303 from attacks in the West +1 in Lod, +70 in Niger) killed and 369 injured from Western (EU,USA,Canada) countries. 18 Puerto Ricans (Lod), 19 Israelis (Lod and Munich) and thousands,if not millions of Africans were killed under his regime.
What Good did he do?
Under Gaddafi there were some benefits to the people of Libya:
Free electricity and water in homes
No taxes
One litre of fuel for under 10 pence.
No interest rates in banks (Sharia law bans interest rates)
Little national debt.
Cars are sold for manufacturing costs (no profit added).
The government pays some money to every student who wishes to study out of Libya, mainly in the form of his accommodation and his/her tuition fees
Any post graduate receives a wage from the government until s/he finds a job.
When people get married they get a piece of land up to 150 meters squared or a house.
Each family in Libya receives 300 euros per month.
No taxes
One litre of fuel for under 10 pence.
No interest rates in banks (Sharia law bans interest rates)
Little national debt.
Cars are sold for manufacturing costs (no profit added).
The government pays some money to every student who wishes to study out of Libya, mainly in the form of his accommodation and his/her tuition fees
Any post graduate receives a wage from the government until s/he finds a job.
When people get married they get a piece of land up to 150 meters squared or a house.
Each family in Libya receives 300 euros per month.
This sounds too good to be true, but the fact is that unemployment is rife and people need to pay for FOOD (more than €300 per month) and their own belongings. Considering Eastern Libya still faces sewage problems,poor infrastructure and one of the drivers for the protests was for the excessive time it took for housing to be built, the benefits seem only to apply to Western Libya/are the BASIC levels of state welfare.
In 1999, Libya met UNSCR requirements by surrendering two Libyans suspected in connection with the Lockerbie bombing for trial before a Scottish court in the Holland. One of these suspects, Abdel Basset al-Megrahi, was found guilty; the other was acquitted. UN sanctions against Libya were then suspended. The full lifting of the sanctions was passed 12 September 2003, linked to the release of up to $2.7 billion in Libyan funds as compensation to the families of the 1988 attack's 270 victims.
In December 2003, Libya announced that it had agreed to reveal and end its programs to develop weapons of mass destruction and to renounce terrorism. Gaddafi met various Western European leaders and made his first trip to Western Europe in 15 years by going to Brussels in April 2004.
The U.S. rescinded Libya's designation as a state sponsor of terrorism in June 2006. In late 2007, Libya was elected by the General Assembly to a nonpermanent seat on the United Nations Security Council for the 2008–2009 term.
In October 2008 Libya paid a further $1.5 billion to the existing $2.7 compensation. The $1.5 billion was put into a fund used to compensate relatives of the- Lockerbie bombing victims with the remaining 20%;
- American victims of the 1986 Berlin discotheque bombing;
- American victims of the 1989 Congo-Niger plane bombing.
- Libyan victims of the 1986 US bombing of Tripoli and Benghazi.
The above DOES show Libya had improved relations with the West and the two things (oil and money) offered 'made it all better' (UK,USA and France were under ''care for the military and less of your people'' leaders Bush,Blair and Chriac). HOWEVER, claims for compensation are ongoing.
Finally, Gaddafi pushed for the unity of Africa with the United Africa (UA) movement which,to this day, pushes to create free trade between Africa if not a super-state. After calming down his extremism, he said he'd like to see a united Israel and Palestine called Israstine.
Not sure if this is just a formal way of trying to spread power and expand the empire, especially if he originally wanted only North (Muslim) Africa to unify.
Finally, Gaddafi pushed for the unity of Africa with the United Africa (UA) movement which,to this day, pushes to create free trade between Africa if not a super-state. After calming down his extremism, he said he'd like to see a united Israel and Palestine called Israstine.
Not sure if this is just a formal way of trying to spread power and expand the empire, especially if he originally wanted only North (Muslim) Africa to unify.
Was he truly evil? If why, is it strange I feel sorry for him?
Some members of FeetUp saw from the photo of an injured Gaddafi, amongst reports of him begging for his life and offering Gold and millions of dollars to his captors, feel king of sad. Perhaps it is because apart from the specific attacks on the West, he IS a human being after all and he DID compensate for the attacks. He also kept all of his terrorism out of the West and for the last decade, was seen not as an enemy but a neutral leader. Perhaps one has to be a part of Libya or Africa to understand what he did; figures like Adolf Hitler,Mussolini and Osama bin Laden were responsible for expanding their empire and declaring war on others for their own purposes but many overlook people like Gaddafi,Mugabe,Amin,Stalin,Mao, Pol Pot and the Kims,because even though they did a lot of wrong things and accounted for MORE deaths than the above dictators; they kept in in their own country and (to begin with) helped out Western countries.
Gaddafi was improving relations with the West but once he showed his true colours by attacking protesters, his image changed. Will the West get oil out of this? Yes but at the end of the day, the rebels asked for the help and did the dirty work themselves. This was a true people vs government liberation, more like Afghanistan (the benefit being the Taliban enemies being flushed out) than Iraq.
Next stop-Yemen.
Going... |
Going... |
Gone!!! |
Friday, 21 October 2011
Angel Yue Yue goes to Heaven-Devils still here
A Chinese Two Year old girl that was run over by TWO cars on October 13th has died today.
Wang Yue, nicknamed YueYue, was killed in a most disgusting manner: extreme gross negligence. YueYue and her mother were out shopping when she got separated from her at a convenience store; as she walked out onto the street, a van hit her and DROVE AWAY. As she lay there in pain and bleeding, EIGHTEEN PEDESTRIANS walked past-note that this area was not very crowded either so that time was not quick. ANOTHER VAN then hit her and DROVE AWAY. When a woman found her and actually helped, she went to the local shops to ask where her parents were and they replied "Mind your own business"
YueYue died today (21.1.2011) after being in a coma for the past three days and deteriorating. The question that comes out of this was "Why did they walk past a dying child?". The answer was simple: they were afraid they would be made liable. In 2006, Peng Yu, then 26, said he stopped after seeing a woman fall in Nanjing, she accused him of knocking her down with his car, and a court ordered him to pay her 45,000 yuan (£4500) in damages.
One of the drivers said to YueYue's mother that "If she dies I only have to pay 2000 yuan (£200). If she lives
What is hard to understand is that even though she was hurt on the street, shouldn't anyone have called an ambulance or tried to barricade off the poor child? What is even worse is the sheer ignorance of the second driver who did not even seem to move out of the way.
The laws in China NEED TO CHANGE. China's government is improving,as are its economy and human rights but this ''any attendant to an injured person is automatically guilty'' theory needs to change.
Both drivers were driving fast, one was on the phone and both saw the girl. They are currently arrested. Both need to be sentenced to death for manslaughter.
Even those without children should sympathise with her mother. China has a one-child policy and even though many have more than one, losing your child's life to negligence is one of the worst things in the world.
Wang Yue, nicknamed YueYue, was killed in a most disgusting manner: extreme gross negligence. YueYue and her mother were out shopping when she got separated from her at a convenience store; as she walked out onto the street, a van hit her and DROVE AWAY. As she lay there in pain and bleeding, EIGHTEEN PEDESTRIANS walked past-note that this area was not very crowded either so that time was not quick. ANOTHER VAN then hit her and DROVE AWAY. When a woman found her and actually helped, she went to the local shops to ask where her parents were and they replied "Mind your own business"
YueYue died today (21.1.2011) after being in a coma for the past three days and deteriorating. The question that comes out of this was "Why did they walk past a dying child?". The answer was simple: they were afraid they would be made liable. In 2006, Peng Yu, then 26, said he stopped after seeing a woman fall in Nanjing, she accused him of knocking her down with his car, and a court ordered him to pay her 45,000 yuan (£4500) in damages.
One of the drivers said to YueYue's mother that "If she dies I only have to pay 2000 yuan (£200). If she lives
An interview with a driver is below-the shocking parts are in red:
- Reporter(R): Are you the one who ran over Yueyue?
- Accident driver (A): I didn’t want that happen either. I’m just a driver.
- R: Why did you call her father?
- A: When the accident happened, I was on the phone.
- R: Why didn’t you stop after running into something? Did you know you had hit somebody?
- A: I knew I’ve run into a person. I was scared. If you hit somebody, you would ran away too.
- R: Don’t you have any conscience? Why didn’t you save her?
- A: I was too scared. I am just a driver.
- R: How many years have you been driving? Don’t you know hit-and-run is a very severe crime?
- A: I’ve been driving for 2 years. Who never makes a mistake? As you can see, that kid walked and looked around. If she walked more carefully, how would I run into her?
- R: Was there any heavy goods on the truck?
- A: Yes, that’s why I stepped on the gas.
- R: Now how do you like to deal with this accident?
- A: I want to offer them some money. But I don’t want to show up.
- …
- Later reporter called the accident driver again:
- R: Do you want to turn yourself in now?
- A: No. I’ve asked my friend to send my wife and kids over here from Guangxi. I’ll find a job in the construction site where no one knows me.
- R: You want to hide yourself for the rest of your life?
- A: I’m scared. I didn’t mean to (run over the girl.) Everybody makes mistake. I have a wife and a 14 year-old kid. Without me, they can’t survive.
- R: One should be responsible for his own fault. You have kid too, don’t you know how Yueyue’s parent feel?
- A: so what?
- …
- R: How is your feeling now?
- A: sad..haha
- R : At this point, you still laugh?
- A: It’s a bitter smile. You have no idea how much pressure I’m under now. One word-’scared’. I would hide until I couldn’t anymore. I know sometime it take more than a few decades to catch a murder. I’m over 30 year-old now. In 30 years, I might have died. This whole thing would have been forgotten. I know how to deal with the cops. I would shy away from the big cities, just stay in the suburbs and don’t make big money.
- R: Seeing your kid, wouldn’t that remind you of the little girl you ran over?
- A: Why should I? She wasn’t even my kid.
- …
- R : How would you like to compensate the losses of Yueyue’s family?
- A: I also have losses myself. I didn’t get my salary. I told my boss there was some emergency in my family and just quit the job.
What is hard to understand is that even though she was hurt on the street, shouldn't anyone have called an ambulance or tried to barricade off the poor child? What is even worse is the sheer ignorance of the second driver who did not even seem to move out of the way.
The laws in China NEED TO CHANGE. China's government is improving,as are its economy and human rights but this ''any attendant to an injured person is automatically guilty'' theory needs to change.
Both drivers were driving fast, one was on the phone and both saw the girl. They are currently arrested. Both need to be sentenced to death for manslaughter.
Even those without children should sympathise with her mother. China has a one-child policy and even though many have more than one, losing your child's life to negligence is one of the worst things in the world.
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